If you had wings, you'd be home by now

Rain notwithstanding, there was a walking tour today of The Networked City, a series of art installations along Yonge St. As you may have noticed, I am all about the art installations and the performance art, and there seems to be a lot of interesting stuff in that vein happening lately. The walk culminated at the model suites/sales office of The Pigeon Condo, pictured above, and there was free ice cream. The Pigeon Condo is a project of artists Amos Latteier (last seen talking about ant and human societies at Harbourfront) and Luis Jacob, and will run until the end of the month. So if you have a little crush on Luis or Amos (not that I ::cough:: know anyone who does), be advised that every Saturday this month you'll be able to find them hanging out under the Gardiner, dressed as pigeons. I'm not making this up, here's a photo:
That's our intrepid tour guide Johanna Householder standing between them. The Pigeon Condo is worth checking out for those pigeon costumes alone, but there will also be presentations by guest speakers each Saturday; check the website for details.
Luis Jacob! He's everywhere! *Everywhere!*
Seriously. Dude's a man about town.
And one of his brother is in my year in the architecture program.
Ah, I got that same spam comment, but I deleted it.
And yay, I do have a crush on Amos, so for sure I'll be going on a Saturday and see them dressed as pigeons!
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