Open-air opinionating

If you have a burning desire to share your opinions about gun violence and the threat of terrorism in the city of Toronto, walk on up to 855 Bathurst on a fine evening sometime soon, and maybe you'll find an outlet. Ryerson University Continuing Education student Glen Kerr has been setting computers up on his front lawn, with a sign inviting interested passersby to take a "3 Minute Survey." At the tail end of last night's psychogeography walk, sometime after midnight, Jason, Alison and I came across this and decided to participate. Kerr told us the results will be collated and published in the Ryerson student paper once he has 100 responses to each survey; last night he was up to 70 and 85. He said most nights he's out there until about 2, then the bars close & the drunks start wandering around, so he takes the computers inside.
potential survey-ors should be aware that the candy in that bowl was SUCKY dollar store candy. Strangers with candy should at least have GOOD candy.
also, were my glasses really that crooked?
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